Unbounce Integration

How does the Integration with Unbounce Work? 

ConvertLead > Select Campaign 

  1. Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Integrations screen. 

  1. From the integrations screen, click the icon located at the top-right corner. 


Figure 127 Create Integrations Button 

  1. This opens the Create Integration window. 

  1. Use the Integration Name field to enter the name of the integration. 


Figure 128 Integration Name 

  1. From the Integration Type dropdown, select Unbounce. 

  1. Use the Assign To dropdown to select the company agent to whom you want to assign this integration. 

  1. Once the selections are made, click the button. This creates the integration and displays it in the Integrations list. 


Figure 129 Create Integration 

  1. From the created integration row, click the button.  


Figure 130 Integrations Button 

  1. This opens the Unbounce Webhook Integration window. 

  1. Copy the campaign link by clicking the button. 


Figure 131 Copy 

  1. Open your Unbounce account. 

  1. From the tabs listed here, open Integrations. 

  1. This takes you to the Integrations tab where further 3 tabs are listed. 

  1. From these tabs, select Webhooks. 


Figure 132 Webhooks 

  1. From this tab, click the +Add Webhook button.  

  1. This opens the Add a Webhook popup. 

  1. Paste the campaign link you copied from ConvertLead in the Choose a URL to post from data to field. 


Figure 133 Campaign URL 

  1. Map all the fields using the dropdowns under the Map Fields heading. 


Figure 134 Map Fields 

  1. Once the fields are mapped, click the button. 


Figure 135 Save Changes 

  1. Wait a moment (or grab a coffee, depending on your Internet connection speed) while we add your Webhook. 

Note: ConvertLead has predefined field options/values, which means Unbounce must have those exact same predefined options/values provided in ConvertLead’s Unbounce Webhook integration menu, and it is recommended for the fields from both apps to be of the same type. 

  1. When you map your fields, make sure that you are using the exact name of the fields from ConvertLead so that when Unbounce sends the data to our app, the field names get recognized and the lead accepted. 

  1. If all is well, you’ll see a dialog confirming the successful addition of your webhook.  

  1. From this dialog, click Close. 

  1. Your Unbounce page should now be connected to ConvertLead.