ConvertLead > Pages
1. Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Projects screen.
2. From here, you can either select a template from the ones listed under the Select Template heading or hover over the three-dot icon of a project template and select Edit.
Figure 17 Select Template
3. As a result, the Create Project popup is displayed.
4. Here, name your project using the Project field.
Figure 18 Project Name
5. Choose a company for which the project is being created using the Company dropdown.
Figure 19 Company
6. As the required selections are made, click the button.
Figure 20 Save
7. This creates the project and displays it on the Projects screen.
8. Click the project card. This opens a visual editor for you to setup the project.
Figure 21 Click Project Card
9. The details are recorded via a series of steps that include: